So we tried cereal for the first time yesterday. I don't think any of it actually went into his belly. He got the funniest look on his face each time I put the spoon in his mouth and he promptly spit it all out. We'll keep trying though. Below is a before and after of the feeding session.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Quinn's Newest Trick!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Katie and Vlad's Wedding
Katie Norton and Vladimir Valdez were married yesterday at Little Harbor Resort in Ruskin. It was a beautiful wedding and God answered our prayers by holding off the rain until after the ceremony. We all had a great time and here are some pictures, all courtesy of Joy!

It looked a lot better when it was done, trust me!

The happy Chadwell family, right before Quinn started melting down and we made a quick escape!
Friday, July 25, 2008
5 Months!!
Katie and Vlad's wedding is tonight and we are very excited. Mommy has to leave to go get all dolled up soon and hopefully Quinn will be good for Daddy. Oh, and hopefully he'll be good at the wedding.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Can that even be comfortable?
This is how I found him when I went to check on him during his afternoon nap yesterday. I guess he was dreaming about crawling.
Quinn went to the Dr yesterday. At almost 5 months he weighs 15lbs 8 1/2 oz and is 27 1/2 inches long. He is in the 30th percentile for weight and the 91st percentile for height. Relish it kid, this is probably the only time in your life that you'll be one of the tall ones. He also got his 4 month vaccinations, which wasn't fun. He did very good though. He took a long nap when he got home and even though he had some trouble going to sleep, he only got up once last night and his pj's weren't pee-soaked (I've had to change him several times in the past couple of weeks due to his tummy being completely wet in the middle of the night). We might be trying cereal tonight!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Quinn and Trey
Ross's Aunt Brenda and Uncle Larry are down visiting from North Carolina and they stopped by today. They brought Larry Jr's son Trey with them. I was very happy that Quinn got to meet him, as they are so close in age (Quinn is less than a month older). They seemed to enjoy just staring at each other and Trey tried out Quinn's jumper and seemed to like it. I do hope Trey's mommy feels better soon so they can come visit again!
Here are some more pictures from this week...and yes, my child is sitting on the kitchen counter.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
An Evening Stroll
Notice the slight redness around his eyes? Let's just say we've had some serious sleep issues this week. He can now roll over from back to belly, but only chooses to do so in his sleep. He wakes up and freaks out. This happens several times a night and during his naps. And even though he can roll from belly to back, he doesn't. Sometimes his arm is stuck or he's smushed against the side of the crib funny. Or has Ross said, he's like his mother and when he's in a bad situation, he freaks out and it takes a while to get out of it. Let's hope he gets out of this soon. He's also been waking more even when he's not flipped over. Who knows why, I guess its just something he'll grow out of (soon hopefully).
I saw Wall-E with Jackson on Friday and it was so good. I'd definitely recommend it, especially to kids 5 and over.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Seriously Mom...
Funny thing is, he never touched the hat whenever it was on his head. Maybe he didn't notice it was there.
So the latest funness around our house is that Quinn can now roll over both ways...except I've never actually seen him roll back to belly. He chooses to do it in secret in his crib, then realize he doesn't want to be on his belly and instead of rolling from belly to back, which he's been able to do for about 2 months now, he starts crying. This first occurred at 4:30 am Monday morning and has happened in some capacity every day since. Good times for sure! Let's just hope he soon remembers that he can roll back to his back and falls asleep. Or that he just becomes a tummy sleeper. At this rate, either one is good with me!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Help Me! My Mommy Has High Expectations!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th of July!
So I can't get these pictures to separate for some reason. Anyway, Quinn is very excited to say Happy Fourth of July! I just love his red, white, and blue plaid shorts, hopefully he'll wear them again. We went to Ross's parents today, but Quinn wouldn't nap, so we came home early. I don't think we're going to do anything else today. Yippee.
In the second picture, Quinn is sitting in his borrowed Bumbo. He seems to like it, although he gets a little annoyed after a while. Thanks Pamela for letting us use it!
I took the last picture two days ago when he was sleeping...obviously. I've been swaddling him with one arm out for a while, and he is routinely busting the other one out now. It is probably time to stop swaddling althougther. He was smiling in his sleep, and it was too cute.
I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July! And happy birthday to Jen Britton and Mark Chadwell!!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Yay for new hair!
Below are some more lovely Quinn pictures from yesterday/today. One of him playing in his jumper...he just loves that sun, and one with Audrey, the little girl (she's a cousin) I watch who loves him. They are so cute together. She held on to him so nicely when I was taking this picture. Too cute!
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