Friday, February 27, 2009

How Quinn spent his 1st Birthday

Quinn had a very eventful 1st birthday. Here is a picture essay of how he spent his day.

He inspected the new floor mat in what will be his play room. He ate a yummy breakfast of bananas, peaches, Cheerios, and Puffs.After his morning nap, he had fun swinging at the park.Then mommy took him for a special birthday lunch at Moe's. He loves those quesadillas.Before his afternoon nap he spent some time looking at the pool and sippin' on the sippy.Later he ate a fabulous dinner of peas and turkey. Then he got to go to Outback to meet Nana and Grandpa and Aunt Meredith. He and mommy had a great time. Then right before bed he tried to take a family picture, but it wasn't really working. This is the best we could get.

Quinn had his 1 year check up today. He currently weighs 19.12 lbs and is 31 inches. That means he is in the 4th percentile for weight and the 80th for height. He is still my long, skinny boy.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Quinn!

I'm just posting this for now, I'll put more up about Quinn's birthday tomorrow. I can't believe he is 1 already...I'm sure he'll be 16 the next time I turn around!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Quinn takes himself for a walk

I snapped a few pictures of Quinn walking across the floor pushing the stroller. Maybe he was getting some exercise, or letting me know he wanted to go outside. Or maybe he was just practicing his walking. He doesn't seem to have any interest in walking on his own yet. That's probably a good thing though, I'm sure things will get even more interesting around here when he starts walking.

And yes, it was no pants Thursday at our house! Ross let Quinn crawl around in the grass and his pants got filthy. Its just easier to let him roam around in his diaper than find new pants!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Quinn's Valentine Photos

I took a few pictures of Quinn for Valentine's Day a few days ago. I'll probably take some more tomorrow, but here you go for now!
And here is a card I made on Scrapblog!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Quinn realized that throwing his food on the floor is fun, for him anyway. Mommy is not amused by this new development. Notice the big smile that seems to be saying, how much more can I get on the floor?
Below are some more random pictures, including an action shot with the ball popper, a picture with Aunt Joy and Ilana, some pictures from Quinn's (and mommy and daddy's) favorite weekly brunch spot, The Brunchery, and a picture of fun times with daddy. Notice Quinn's shirt in the last 3 pictures, my son knows good music!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Things Quinn can do now and probably shouldn't

So I was doing something this morning and not paying attention to Quinn as I should have been. This is what I was greeted with when I looked over at him. I yelped and grabbed the camera of course!

I guess we have a climber on our hands. I've known that for a while, but this definitely soldifies it. Yikes, glad we don't have stairs in our house!

Here is another picture of Quinn with his great morning hair. So cute!

In other exciting news, Quinn said "mom" yesterday. Plain as day while I was changing his diaper. He also said "hi". It is so awesome to hear him communicate and say "real" words. Can't wait to hear what he'll say next!