So, our computer has crapped out again. This time its something to do with the charging mechanism. That explains the lack of updates. Its at a shop getting "looked at" now. Let's keep our fingers crossed its an easy fix. I have some great pictures (ok, not photographically, but you know what I mean) and I don't want to upload them onto other people's computers, so I guess they'll have to wait. :(
Tomorrow marks a big day in our household...Quinn turns 2.5 and starts school!! Eeeek, I can't believe he's that old already. What's next, sports, girls, driving, college, I don't think I can take this. I made his first lunch tonight...I guess that's another mark in the adult column for me!
Say your prayers our computer gets fixed so I can post all kinds of adorable first day of pre-school pictures soon!
Oh, and here's a brief book review...
I just finised The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown, which was number 10 for me this year. While I enjoyed the pace and writing in this book, it is, in my opinion, no where near as good as the first two Robert Langdon books, Angels and Demons and The DaVinci Code. There are a lot of the same elements - religious themes, mysticism, crazy villians, etc., and Robert Langdon is as tweedy as he can be, but there was just something missing. Heart maybe, I don't know. I did learn a lot about Washington, D.C. and some very interesting art pieces. It got a little slow towards the end and introduced some really out there (at least for me) religious ideas that kind of turned me off, but if you like the first two Robert Langdon books, I would recommend it.
And now I'm off to reread the entire Harry Potter series....wheeeeeeee!