I truly cannot believe that 2010 is over. It flew by at what must be record speed. I don't know if its the having a kid thing or the getting older thing, but the years are disappearing. I want to hope that this will cease, but I have a firm suspicion it won't.
So overall 2010, not bad I guess. Not the best, but nothing catastrophic either. It definitely had some ups and downs, but overall, can't complain. Besides, I had Quinn's adorable face to look at every day! That will always make for a good year.
Speaking of Quinn, he had a pretty great year. His talking has improved by leaps and bounds, he started school, and he is truly becoming a little boy, as can be seen in these photos below.
First picture I had of him in 2010

We have definitely had a few more challenges when it comes to Quinn this year. He hit the "terrible 2's" and now he's headed into the "worse than terrible 2's 3's". Let's just hope by this time next year the sky will have opened up and we'll be smooth sailing into 4. And let's hope he's fully potty trained too!
At the beginning of 2010, I made a list of goals for this year, so I thought I'd look over that list now and see how I stand.
1. I've definitely done better at being thankful and remembering what God has given me. I'd like to say I've become more appreciative and grateful. Sure sometimes I'm not the best, but who is?
2. As far as the diet and exercise, I did join the Y, which I have really enjoyed. I'm pretty good about going, I really like the classes, so that's good. As far as diet goes, well, I certainly do try.
3. I completely disregarded my other blog. In 2011 I'm going to try and combine all my intersts in 1 blog, we'll see how that goes.
4. Ugh, this one has really been bugging me. As of right now, I'm exactly 78% of the way through my #11 new book of the year. I did complete my full Harry Potter reread, so I actually finished 18 books this year. Much better than 2009, when I think I finished 6. 2011 will be a better book year for me, I'm sure.
5. Well, didn't get a job. I've applied for 2, the first I did not get and the second I'm waiting to hear about. So maybe that will be something new for 2011!
6. Wow, I'm really feeling like a failure. Between all all our crazy computer issues, I just couldn't get that one accomplished. But like I've been saying, there's always next year.
So maybe I didn't complete all my goals, but I think that I've definitely grown as a person, wife, mother, etc. And what else can you ask for? Adios 2010, you were as good to me as you could be!