Last weekend we were able to go over to Disney for the weekend. As I've stated in the past, we are so lucky to be able to have passes and I do hope someday Quinn knows just how lucky he is to live here. We stayed at the Port Orleans Riverside, which was really nice. I definitely recommend it to anyone coming to Disney. We got there on Friday just in time for their nightly marshmellow roasting event! That made Quinn and Ross very happy!

We hung out there that night, eating and watching the end of the Lion King on an inflatable screen. Quinn thought that was cool.
The next day we continued just hanging out, going swimming and to the neat playground they had. Quinn even went down the waterslide with me. Just once though, since we got yelled at by the lifeguard because it was supposed to be one at a time. Oops, oh well.
After lunch we went back to the room and napped and then that night we went to Magic Kingdom. Even though we go fairly often, we always find new things to do. We went to the Monsters Inc Laugh Floor this time, which Quinn loved. He is going to be Mike Wazowski for Halloween, so this just made him crack up. He slept well that night!

The next day we checked out, but not before taking a picture of Quinn outside the first hotel room he ever stayed in.

Then we were off to Hollywood Studios for the Play and Dine breakfast at Hollywood & Vine. We got there late and they almost didn't let us in. But hopefully Quinn's cute face and Pluto hat helped, because we got in. Now most of the characters at this breakfast Quinn didn't care about. But he did care about Handy Manny. It took him a while to get to our table, but once he did, it was so wonderful. The waitress told him that Quinn was very eager to see him and Manny made sure to spend some extra time with him and pointed out how happy he was that Quinn had his Handy Manny doll. Then he came back with a special card for Quinn that said he was an awesome new friend. Then during the dance party Manny took Quinn by the hand and danced with him for the whole time. Quinn was just so happy. That made it all worthwhile.

After breakfast we went over to Epcot for Food and Wine and to meet some friends. We had a great time, as always. Quinn has recently started watching Finding Nemo and was really excited about the Nemo ride, which we went on twice. He especially loved the statues of the characters outside. Here is Quinn and Nemo together.

And here he is with Bruce!

I'm so happy with our weekend, we all had a great time. I'm definitely looking forward to doing it again soon.