So this post should have been put up quite a while ago. In my effort to get back on track, here it is now.
Quinn was supposed to officially start Pre-K on August 27, but thanks to Hurricane Isaac, he got an extra day of summer vacation. He wasn't too upset about that. Quinn was excited about the school year starting thought, as he knew his teacher from summer care and really liked her.
In my attempts to be cute and Pinteresty, I bought this little chalkboard. Cute? It would be adorable, but I think my lack of picture taking skills and lack of quality camera kind of make that hard. Especially with the 2nd picture. I was trying to get his school in the background, but that really didn't work. Oh well, maybe next year.
Here he is outside Mrs. Fryer's class. Sadly, since this picture was taken, Mrs. Fryer has moved to NC. Quinn misses her, but is enjoying being in Mrs. Stinnett's class. Here's to a great school year!!