Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Quinn's Last Day as a 1 Year Old

Today is Quinn's last day as a 1 year old. I don't want to sound overly cliche, but wow does time keep going faster and faster. Tomorrow I will have a 2 year old. Scary and exciting all at the same time. And for the record, I think it should be called the Terrible Before 2's, as Quinn has been experiencing them for some time now.

I hope I get to post tomorrow, but we are going to the Magic Kingdom and I'm sure I'll be super tired when we get home. I can't wait though, I know it is going to be awesome to experience it through his eyes. So even though he won't remember, I always will.

Quinn in the morning on his 1st birthday, February 25, 2009.

Quinn right before bed on his last night as a 1 year old, February 24, 2010. I guess he's not a fan of getting older.

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