Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I got an award!

Well, look at that! My friend Kate passed on the Sunshine Award to me and my little blog. It makes me feel good to know that someone is reading this (besides you Mom). Kate has an absolutely adorable, sweet little girl named Lily, who Quinn is a big fan of. Her blog is a fun account of her life with Lily and I do enjoy reading it (and watching the super cute videos!).
I'm going to pass the award on to my best friend Joy and her blog. Even though her life is very different than mine, we still have a lot in common and who else can I always count on to go see weird, intellectual movies with? She is doing a lot of good in the world and that is worth a lot more than a blog award. She blogs about her life and reading goals and her future plans in Cambodia and elsewhere in the world. Check it out!

1 comment:

Joy Muldoon said...

aww thanks!! that's so cool :) i'll be sure to pass it on to someone equally deserving...or maybe more deserving...haha! anyway! thanks!!