1. Both Ross and I took piano lessons for 10+ years. I haven't played in a while, but I still love it and would love to pick it up again one day. You can bet Quinn will definitely take a lesson or two in the future. As a sidenote, Ross also played the violin and viola, so he might be trying those someday as well.
2. I've recently become infatuated with nail polish, more importantly, painting my fingernails. And through this I've realized that I hate long nails, especially painted long nails. I like the look of cute, short nails in fun bright colors. Maybe this stems back fact #1 and having to cut my nails short to play piano, who knows. Some of current fave colors are Hell to the No (Sephora by OPI, Glee collection), Lucerne-tainly Look Marvelous (OPI), and Leotard Optional (Sephora by OPI, Urban Ballerina Collection). I also just got Essie's Sand Tropez and am eagerly awaiting the arrival of 3 Zoya colors, so I should be able to have nail polish fun for a while!
3. I love movies. Almost any kind really, and those who know me know I take it fairly seriously. It was a moment of utmost pleasure when the Oscar Best Pictures nominations came out and I had already seen all 10. I also like knowing what I've seen, so I started a spreadsheet in 2009 tracking my movies and the medium in which they were watched. Right now I can tell you that in March of 2009 I watched 4 movies, 6% of my total for the year. Of those 4, I watched 2 from TV/Internet and 2 on DVD. Dorky? Maybe. Awesome? Totally.
4. On the subject of entertainment, I can't stand the way that Ross can turn on a show/movie in the middle or even near the end and watch. He'll even flip during the show and flip back, having missed more, gah, I can't handle it! I rarely watch a show I haven't watched from the beginning (of that particular show and the entire series), scripted shows anyway.
5. I love most any cheese, but only hate two. Swiss and Feta. Blech.
6. Growing up I always said I wanted upwards of 20 kids, and some of the girl names I picked out were Lacey and Keisha. Not really feeling any of that anymore, I'll just stick to watching 19 Kids and Counting.
7. I love Broadway shows, and if I could go back in time, my first stop would be to see Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel in Wicked on Broadway. Perfection.
I'm supposed to tag 7 more people, but since most people I actually know who blog have already been tagged, feel free to tag yourself and post 7 random facts!
I agree- I am loving short, colorful nails too! Have you seen the Katy Perry collection? And it is a dream of mine to see Kristin and Idina in Wicked. Maybe someday they'll do it as an anniversary for the show or something. Atleast, I hope so!
Sage does the exact same thing as Ross- will just began watching a movie at any point. It drives me nuts. If it's anything I want to see I insist he changes it. Movies are meant to be seen from start to finish! And I'm with you on the long painted nails thing. (But your hatred of feta, that I can't relate to.)
Thanks for playing along :)It's fun to see what people post.
I found you through Tasha's blog. I can't believe you've seen all those movies!
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