Saturday, December 3, 2011

Wonderful Quinn

The most logical choice in my next listing of the wonderfulness in my life would of course be Quinn.
He has made my life in wonderful in some very obvious ways and maybe some not so obvious ways. You definitely learn about the "darker" side of life when you become a parent. I don't mean evilness (although that does cross your mind at 3:30 in the morning with a screaming, inconsolable infant), but things that will test you, and hopefully, make you a better person. But they are the kind of things that at the time, you just want them to stop! I can definitely say that for me, that was 100% true. And now I wouldn't trade those times for anything. 3 hasn't been easy...hmmmm, l hope I'm not looking back at this period of time when he's 6 or 10 or 15 and saying I wish he were 3 again. But I have a strange suspicion I will.

But being a mom has been the greatest thing in the world. Quinn is smart, headstrong, generous, adorable, eager, exuberant, and a million other adjectives, all in a 5 minute period! He keeps my days interesting, and of course, wonderful. This time of year is so fun, especially this year, he really "gets" it. As I've said on other posts, I can't wait to see what the future holds, although maybe I should just hold on to now for now.

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