Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I did so well posting last month...maybe I need to do some sort of challenge all the time. I'll just give a little rundown of our month and hopefully get to some more interesting topics (Quinn's upcoming 4th birthday, the Oscars, my learning of Quickbooks...ok, that's not interesting) in the very near future.

I've recently started watching Downton Abbey, and much to my surprise, am enjoying it very much. I'm not usually a Victorian era enjoyer, but this is a bit more spunky and plush, if that makes sense. I'm only on the 4th episode of the first season, but I'll definitely be carrying it forward. The first season is currently on Netflix Instant and I'm recording Season 2 on PBS so I can enjoy it when I finish Season 1. That's one great thing about British programming, very short seasons.

I just finished reading Divergent, and it was a really good book. I won't go as far as great or revolutionary, but definitely enjoyable. Plus I have a 1-degree of separation from the author, which is always fun. Its a YA sci-fi dystopian thriller, definitely in the same vein as The Hunger Games, but different enough to make it worth checking out. It is a planned 3-parter, which part 2 coming out in May of this year, and I will for sure be adding it to my list.

Ross and I celebrated our 7 (!) year anniversary a few weeks ago. We were able to get away for one night to Sarasota. We stayed at a fairly nice hotel (good deal on Travelocity anyway) on the beach (which we didn't go to). We were able to go to St. Armand's Circle, which is a very charming shopping/dining area of Sarasota. If you are ever there, give it a whirl. We had an excellent anniversary dinner at the Crab and Fin, where I would put on my return-to list for sure. All in all, it was a wonderful way to celebrate 7 years of wedded bliss. Ok, that was a bit schmaltzy, but you know what I mean.

So that's us for the month. Quinn is doing fine, and hopefully I'll be taking more pictures and posting more of his stuff in the next few days. I don't think I've taken a picture of him since the beginning of the month. Don't worry, he looks the same, just in desparate need of a haircut.

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