Friday, February 10, 2012

Working Moms Unite

Its another Show Us Your Life Friday over at Kelly's Korner and today she is focusing on working moms. It is still hard for me to realize I'm in that category, but I guess I totally am.

I started "working" for Ross when I left Big Brothers Big Sisters in 2008 after Quinn was born. It was not a lot at first, since at the time his business wasn't exactly bustling. But as time grew, a-bustlin' we have become and now I can say I do a lot of actual work. I'm mostly considered his office manager, but there is a lot that goes into that, and in all reality, he's not the best at job delineation. We're working on that.

On top of all that, I also work about 30 hours a week for Ross' cousin Pamela. She and her husband own their own business(es) and I am the office adminstrator there as well. Its very different from anything I've ever done, but its a good job with great flexibility, and in this economy, I can't complain!

Being a working mom is so much harder than I ever thought. By the end of the day I'm practically running into Quinn's school to get him, but I also know that he is being taken care of well, has friends, learns a lot, and (usually) is having fun. I also get the luxury of keeping him home some Thursdays when I don't work. So I get a bit of Stay-at-Homeness too!

And I will admit, there are some days that dropping him off at school causes me undue joy. One perk of being a working mom, right?


Sonya said...

ah yes! dropping the kids off for some adult time even if it means working while doing it!

stopping by from Kelly's Korner

Southern Queen of the Crazies said...

Visiting from SUYL.