Monday, January 25, 2010

23 Months!

Only 1 month until Quinn is 2. EEK!! Where did my baby go? He is such a little boy now. He's still not the best talker, but it is definitely coming along. He has always been good with body parts, but now he's able to say them. He learned "elbow" this week, but he says "bowbow", which is super cute. He likes to find both my "bowbows". He can also say "butt" which is quite cute.

As for the picture above, he didn't nap at all today, except for 10ish minutes in the car, so he was not the happiest of campers. I wasn't going to wrestle the snacks away from him and that was the closest thing to a smile I could get. Only 1 more picture :(

I really need to get going on his party. We're doing it at a park, so I'm going to have to make due with what is there. I want to be fun and creative too, so hopefully I can make it all work!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Our Downtown Disney trip

On January 14, Quinn and I went to Downtown Disney to meet up with some other moms and kids. We had a great time! Quinn had never been to DTD and I had never been with a kid, so it was a new experience for both of us. Quinn had a great time playing on the playground at Legoland, looking at the fish and birds at the Rainforest Cafe, playing in the "sand" at the dino store, and making new friends. It was a great day for everyone and we will have to take him again soon.

Quinn on the slide at the playground, this was the first time he really "got" sliding.
The slide was a little staticky, don't you think? Ha, thanks Jill for taking this awesome picture of Quinn's hair.

Quinn needed to have a little chill time in his stroller. You can kind of see the Lego displays behind him, he really liked looking at them.

Mesmerized by the fish at the Rainforest Cafe.

Here are all the adorable kids! They were all really good, especially when most of them missed their naps. From left to right, Breleigh, Aidan, Joren, Zach, Kayleigh (her baby sister Kate is behind her), and Quinn.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Belated Anniversary Post

Our 5 year anniversary was Friday and we had a nice dinner out at Bern's. It was nice to have a night out without having to pick up food off the floor and worry about what to order Quinn. Hopefully one year we'll be able to take a vacation for our anniversary. The above picture was taken in our favorite place, the dessert room. I didn't get a picture with Quinn...maybe next year!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Quinn the Fashionista

So, two days this past week I went into my room and when I came out, I found Quinn in the rather revealing attire you see below. I think he was just trying to take his shirt off, but the end result was rather funny, especially the 2nd one.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A late Christmas and Quinn counts!

It has been a whirlwind of a weekend, but a lot of fun was had by all. My "Little Sister" Nicole came for the weekend (don't worry, we weren't breaking rules, we aren't matched in the program anymore) and we had a great time. We saw 2 movies that were both good, but complete opposites (Avatar 3D and The Blindside), went to International Mall, had some great food and just an all around good time. I've known her since she was 7 and she is 15 now. It has been great to see her grow up and I'm so glad we're still friends.

Since we've been so busy this holiday season, I finally realized Quinn hadn't even opened his stocking yet. Actually, he hadn't opened anything. I set up his new Ikea easel the other day and he didn't even notice it. Well, after a while he did, but he didn't seem too interested. I also got him 3 books, but I think those will be kept for his birthday.

So, he finally opened his stocking today. Here are some pictures!

We got his some Mickey Mouse toys, so he'll know who they are. We are going to the Magic Kingdom for his birthday, and since currently he knows no one but Elmo, I thought it would be good for him to at least know who the characters are.

Here he is with a new "Bye-Bye" which is what he calls cars. Sometimes he'll say "tars", usually its a "bye-bye".

And here he is with a new "choo-choo", although that's not quite how it sounds when he says it. It is so cute, more like "tchoo-tchoo".
Tonight as Ross was bringing Quinn upstairs for his bath, he started counting as he went up the stairs. Ross said one, but after that, Quinn said every number before Ross, up to five! It was so awesome to hear. Its nice when they finally show you what they've known for a while. Quinn's talking and learning is growing by leaps and bounds and it is so awesome!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

...Hello 2010!

Well a new year (heck, a new decade) is here again, and people are vowing to change their lives and all that jazz. Which I guess is a good thing, if you have the right intentions and the follow through to back it up. Do I have those things? Hopefully...usually...keep your fingers crossed.

So here are some goals for 2010...again, not resolutions, just goals. If I achieve them, fabulous, if not, well, I can keep trying.

1. To never forget what God has already given me.
2. To take better care of myself, through diet and exercise. I'd love to join a gym, but that's not possible at this time, so I'll have to come up with some sort of exercise regime at home. That's the trick.
3. To get my other blog up and running. More about that later.
4. To read at least 12 books this year, outside of rereading the entire Harry Potter series before the first part of movie 7 comes out. So, really its 19 books altogether, but 12 I haven't read.
5. To get a job to help my family's financial situation. I'd like to make money to a) pay off debt, b) put Quinn in school, and c) pay for things I can't now, like getting my hair done more than once a year.
6. To start digital scrapbooking so I can record all of the wonderful things my son does (he said night-night and Ok (more like otay) for the first time last night!)

Ok, that's all I've got right now. So, keep your fingers crossed for me.

The last decade flew by and brought so many changes (moving to FL, marriage, Quinn). When we were celebrating 2000, I was 20 and well, 20. Now I'm 30 (ack) and while a lot of me feels the same, a lot of me is different. Where I will be in 2020, I don't know. And don't say 40, I can't face that yet.

Happy New Year!!!