Well a new year (heck, a new decade) is here again, and people are vowing to change their lives and all that jazz. Which I guess is a good thing, if you have the right intentions and the follow through to back it up. Do I have those things? Hopefully...usually...keep your fingers crossed.
So here are some goals for 2010...again, not resolutions, just goals. If I achieve them, fabulous, if not, well, I can keep trying.
1. To never forget what God has already given me.
2. To take better care of myself, through diet and exercise. I'd love to join a gym, but that's not possible at this time, so I'll have to come up with some sort of exercise regime at home. That's the trick.
3. To get my other blog up and running. More about that later.
4. To read at least 12 books this year, outside of rereading the entire Harry Potter series before the first part of movie 7 comes out. So, really its 19 books altogether, but 12 I haven't read.
5. To get a job to help my family's financial situation. I'd like to make money to a) pay off debt, b) put Quinn in school, and c) pay for things I can't now, like getting my hair done more than once a year.
6. To start digital scrapbooking so I can record all of the wonderful things my son does (he said night-night and Ok (more like otay) for the first time last night!)
Ok, that's all I've got right now. So, keep your fingers crossed for me.
The last decade flew by and brought so many changes (moving to FL, marriage, Quinn). When we were celebrating 2000, I was 20 and well, 20. Now I'm 30 (ack) and while a lot of me feels the same, a lot of me is different. Where I will be in 2020, I don't know. And don't say 40, I can't face that yet.
Happy New Year!!!
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