Sunday, January 3, 2010

A late Christmas and Quinn counts!

It has been a whirlwind of a weekend, but a lot of fun was had by all. My "Little Sister" Nicole came for the weekend (don't worry, we weren't breaking rules, we aren't matched in the program anymore) and we had a great time. We saw 2 movies that were both good, but complete opposites (Avatar 3D and The Blindside), went to International Mall, had some great food and just an all around good time. I've known her since she was 7 and she is 15 now. It has been great to see her grow up and I'm so glad we're still friends.

Since we've been so busy this holiday season, I finally realized Quinn hadn't even opened his stocking yet. Actually, he hadn't opened anything. I set up his new Ikea easel the other day and he didn't even notice it. Well, after a while he did, but he didn't seem too interested. I also got him 3 books, but I think those will be kept for his birthday.

So, he finally opened his stocking today. Here are some pictures!

We got his some Mickey Mouse toys, so he'll know who they are. We are going to the Magic Kingdom for his birthday, and since currently he knows no one but Elmo, I thought it would be good for him to at least know who the characters are.

Here he is with a new "Bye-Bye" which is what he calls cars. Sometimes he'll say "tars", usually its a "bye-bye".

And here he is with a new "choo-choo", although that's not quite how it sounds when he says it. It is so cute, more like "tchoo-tchoo".
Tonight as Ross was bringing Quinn upstairs for his bath, he started counting as he went up the stairs. Ross said one, but after that, Quinn said every number before Ross, up to five! It was so awesome to hear. Its nice when they finally show you what they've known for a while. Quinn's talking and learning is growing by leaps and bounds and it is so awesome!!

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