Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Our Downtown Disney trip

On January 14, Quinn and I went to Downtown Disney to meet up with some other moms and kids. We had a great time! Quinn had never been to DTD and I had never been with a kid, so it was a new experience for both of us. Quinn had a great time playing on the playground at Legoland, looking at the fish and birds at the Rainforest Cafe, playing in the "sand" at the dino store, and making new friends. It was a great day for everyone and we will have to take him again soon.

Quinn on the slide at the playground, this was the first time he really "got" sliding.
The slide was a little staticky, don't you think? Ha, thanks Jill for taking this awesome picture of Quinn's hair.

Quinn needed to have a little chill time in his stroller. You can kind of see the Lego displays behind him, he really liked looking at them.

Mesmerized by the fish at the Rainforest Cafe.

Here are all the adorable kids! They were all really good, especially when most of them missed their naps. From left to right, Breleigh, Aidan, Joren, Zach, Kayleigh (her baby sister Kate is behind her), and Quinn.

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