Friday, July 27, 2012

Happy Olympic Day!!

Those who know me know I am a lover of ceremony, of pomp and circumstance, of any kind of pagentry really. So of course the Olympics are right up my alley. And as we all know, the Olympics are in London this year, and lets be honest, no one does pomp and circumstance like the Brits. I'm very much looking forward to the opening ceremonies tonight and all the events in the coming weeks. And yes I know there are a lot of people who show sudden interest in such things and are looked down on by the pretentious people that seem to rule the world these days, I guess I don't really care. I'm always interested in this stuff, so Debbie Downer's be gone! I'll be happily watching the Lochte vs Phelps coverage, the gymnastics, Usain Bolt, and all the glorious pagentry in  between! Good Luck to all the athletes, but GO USA!!