Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This just in...

So, our computer has crapped out again. This time its something to do with the charging mechanism. That explains the lack of updates. Its at a shop getting "looked at" now. Let's keep our fingers crossed its an easy fix. I have some great pictures (ok, not photographically, but you know what I mean) and I don't want to upload them onto other people's computers, so I guess they'll have to wait. :(

Tomorrow marks a big day in our household...Quinn turns 2.5 and starts school!! Eeeek, I can't believe he's that old already. What's next, sports, girls, driving, college, I don't think I can take this. I made his first lunch tonight...I guess that's another mark in the adult column for me!

Say your prayers our computer gets fixed so I can post all kinds of adorable first day of pre-school pictures soon!

Oh, and here's a brief book review...

I just finised The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown, which was number 10 for me this year. While I enjoyed the pace and writing in this book, it is, in my opinion, no where near as good as the first two Robert Langdon books, Angels and Demons and The DaVinci Code. There are a lot of the same elements - religious themes, mysticism, crazy villians, etc., and Robert Langdon is as tweedy as he can be, but there was just something missing. Heart maybe, I don't know. I did learn a lot about Washington, D.C. and some very interesting art pieces. It got a little slow towards the end and introduced some really out there (at least for me) religious ideas that kind of turned me off, but if you like the first two Robert Langdon books, I would recommend it.

And now I'm off to reread the entire Harry Potter series....wheeeeeeee!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Quinn Update and Possible Changes

Things around here are humming along. My car is finally running (!!!) so that means we have freedom!! It is so nice to be able to come and go and not have to move Quinn's seat around. And my car is running nicely now.

Today was our neighbor Tom's birthday. He is a wonderful man who is always so friendly and just adores Quinn. And at 92 years old he still does yard work, maintains his home, and is just lovely. I decided I wanted to do something for his birthday, so I baked some cookies and had Quinn make him a card. It was really cute. Tom really appreciated it and we had a great time visiting. He has some great stories and has a really sharp memory. He showed me a project he's working on, detailing the appliances his family used in the 1920's and 1930's. Really cool stuff. I do feel very blessed to have him as a neighbor, especially since Quinn likes him so much. Whenever we walk by his house, Quinn asks, "Where Tom?" They have a great friendship!

Quinn has become quite the comedian lately. He has started saying several "adult" phrases that just crack us up. For example, we'll ask him a question and he'll grab his chin and say "Let's see" in a very contemplative manner. He also tells me to "follow" him all the time and it is just so cute. He is also exerting what I guess is his independence lately, which has unfortunately resulted in what you might call negative behavior. At least he's still cute, right?
And the true uniform of a Cardinals fan always includes purple beads and your mom's heels, on the wrong feet of course. At one point in time I had started another blog, mainly focusing on my entertainment leanings. I haven't updated it since January, but I am still interested in writing in that vein. I'm thinking of bringing it over here. I would talk about my other interests, movies, TV, books, makeup, and anything else. I mean, I am more than just a mom, right? It might not happen right away, but be looking for some changes in the near future.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Last Friday I had the opportunity to go the Islands of Adventure with the group my friend Joy works with. Even though it was excrutiatingly hot and annoyingly crowded, the reduced ticket price was a definite draw. And the biggest draw of all was of course, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. If you know me, you know Harry is a very important name to me, for 2 reasons. 1 - Harry Connick, Jr., and 2 - Harry Potter. I've been reading Harry Potter since early 2000, right after Goblet of Fire came out. At one time I was one to scoff at HP as kids books and blow them off. Until I read them. They are fabulous books, if you haven't read them, go out now and start. Anyway, so when I heard Wizarding World of HP was opening, I was very excited. I didn't know when I would be able to go, since we have Disney passes and don't want to spend the money. So when this opportunity came along, I jumped on it.

And I was not disappointed. They did an amazing job with it. The attention to detail is phenomenal. It really is the little things that make the big difference. The ride in the Hogwarts castle, Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, is, in my opinion, the best ride ever. It is just amazing. Really no words can describe it. If you get the chance to go, do it!! Here are some pictures to whet your whistle.

The entrance to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Me and the Weasley's Ford Anglia

Hogwarts Castle looming in the distance....isn't it beautiful?

The roof area of the Owlery, they even have fake poop!

Cheers to Butterbeer!

Looking up into Hogwarts Castle

The crystal House Cup monitor thingy

The griffin leading to Dumbledore's office

The wall of portraits

The Sorting Hat

The wall in Ollivander's Wand Shop

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Ok, so sorry this thing looks all wonky. I needed to change my background and after I finally figured out how to do that, I couldn't figure out how to change the title colors and all that stuff. I really wish I could do stuff like that, but I'm not computer literate. Or at least that computer literate.

Not much to update on. My car is still not working, so I've mostly been dealing with finding ways to get to the grocery store and other various places we need to get to. Quinn has gone to a couple birthday parties, I've gone to some things, but nothing that deemed a picture I guess. I'll have to check my camera and see. I will definitely try to get some pictures up soon. It all depends on if he's cute enough to photograph. I guess he always is though, so what am I thinking?