Monday, March 25, 2013

Ohhhh, we're halfway there!

Today marks 20 weeks, I'm halfway through this pregnancy. Woot! That's both hard to believe and astonishing that its gone so fast. Just like everything in life I guess.

We had our anatomy scan last Thursday and all went well. The report back to me was clear and there was a very obvious penis sighting, so we can officially say Boy #2 will be here in August! Quinn took the news ok. He really wanted a sister, so he is adjusting to the fact that that is not in the cards at this time.

I read through the little questionnaire I posted last week, and besides now knowing the gender, things are pretty much the same. My next appointment is April 3, so that will answer the weight question. I don't weigh myself, as I believe if you feel good, you're doing ok. I think a lot of pregnant women get really hung up on the weight thing and while I get that its tough, we shouldn't be so hard on ourselves. We're growing a person for goodness sakes! And please don't get me started on pregnant women being called fat. It really bugs me.

So that's about it for now. Since I don't have any pictures of me I'm willing to share at this time, here is another adorable picture of Quinn from his birthday. He got a free Mickey ice cream at Magic Kingdom.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Hey, I have a blog!

Wow, who knew? I haven't posted in months, which sucks, I know. I really need to get on it with this thing, including updating it, as it is looking pretty crappy right now. But I digress.

So I'm totally pregnant, pretty cool, right? I'm 19 weeks today, which is one week away from being halfway done, woo-hoo! This is one reason I decided to start blogging again. I'd like to keep a record of this, and since its halfway over, I guess I'd better start now. Here is a fun little questionnaire:

How Far Along: 19 weeks today!

Weight Gain: At my last appt, I was still down a pound from my first appt.

Maternity Clothes: Pretty much that's all I wear, but I can still wear a few non maternity things.

Movement: Starting to feel a lot of movement and more specific movements, which is awesome!

Food Cravings: Nothing specific, but things will strike me at odd times.

Food Aversions: I had a lot at the beginning (hot coffee, ground beef, a few others), but thankfully they've mostly gone away.

Gender: See Below

Symptoms: A lot of general pregnancy stuff, but I've been dealing with low iron and having to take iron pills, which cause some digestive problems. Not fun. I've also just felt a lot more blah this time around than I did with Quinn.

Upcoming Appointments: Our anatomy scan is Thursday, which means we will find out the sex!! So excited about this.

So that is a little pregnancy update. I'm due August 12, I didn't mention that earlier.

Oh, and since I should post a lot about Quinn and how awesome he is, here is a picture! He's 5!