Thursday, January 17, 2008

One month to go...

So this is my first blog, and I'm sure it won't be too exciting. I'm a 28 year old wife and "social worker" who is one month away from delivering our first child. Well, at least that's what the doctor's say. Who really knows when it will be. A lot of people keep telling me I'll go sooner, which would not be good, as we are not ready. Ok, maybe its just me who thinks we're not ready. I'm sure Ross would say we'd be fine if I go into labor tomorrow. Sure we have a lot of the necessary goods, but are they cleaned and organized and do I know how to use them...of course not. We're still painting the nursery, the furniture hasn't come in yet, and nothing is washed. Am I freaking out, a little, but hey, the kid will have a place to sleep and food and diapers, so I guess I shouldn't worry that much. But as a first time mom, I think worrying comes with the territory. But each day I get something done, I feel that much better about it.

Speaking of getting things done, we only have to tape off and paint the stripe in the nursery and the seemingly neverending painting project will be complete. I'm bound and determined to do it today! We'll see how I feel when I get home, hopefully it will be done and I can post pictures soon! Getting that done will be a huge weight off my shoulders, which will be nice.

I guess that's it for now...ok, really its just because I'm at work and have some stuff to do that's actually work related. Thanks!

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