Friday, February 15, 2008

What in the world...

Today my husband proved he is his mother's son. This is what was on my back porch when I came home today. Not exactly what I was hoping to find at my house a week or so before I give birth. I definitely appreciate his caring and love for animals, but this is not what I need right now!! Especially since this dog is very stubborn, old, and fat. And when I gave the dog food, he almost immediately puked it up on the back porch. I made flyers to put up tomorrow, so hopefully we'll find the owners. Hopefully there are owners and he/she was just dumped in our neighborhood.
I haven't been feeling the best lately, maybe that means labor is approaching. I hope so! I just need to somehow procure our Pack and Play (long story about that) and I'll have everything except a baby (outside the uterus that is)!

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