Monday, March 17, 2008

3 weeks!!

That's right folks, Quinn is already 3 weeks old. I can hardly believe how fast the time is going. Its like Jenn Star told me when she came over the first time, soon he'll be 5 like Jackson. Scary, yet exciting at the same time. To be honest, I'll be excited when he's a little older. I love him now, but I'm thinking he's a little colicky, which is definitely not fun. Everything I've read said that it is usually gone by 3 months, so that is something to look forward to. I know he's not as bad as some kids, but he does cry pretty consistently from about 6-11 pm every night. He can be soothed, but it doesn't last long.

I realized that we never took a picture of the 3 of us as a family, so here is the first one. Not the best picture of me I know, but what can you expect right now?

Oh, and here is one more picture, just because its fun. I wanted to take a picture of the gator towel eating his head!! He doesn't seem to be enjoying it too much.

Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone!! Erin Go Bragh!!

1 comment:

Elisa and Kevin said...

Awe! What a cute fam. Luv the gator bath towel...