2 years ago Quinn was a small, pink bundle of life. He couldn't talk or walk or do anything for himself. He depended on me or Ross for everything. I loved feeling needed, even when he needed me at 3 am for the 6th night in a row.
1 year ago Quinn was a much more formed person. He couldn't walk but could stand, was talking just a little bit and still needed me, but less than he did a year earlier. He was starting to feed himself and move through the house at a faster pace. He was still my little baby.
Now he can walk, but prefers to run. He can talk quite a bit and does it loudly. He does need me, but likes to show me how he can do things by himself. He is much more of a big boy, but he is still my baby.
Quinn is truly a gift from God and I love him more now than I ever thought I could. It is amazing that we have been blessed with such a precious gift. I sometimes can't believe I was picked to be his mom. I just hope I do him justice.