Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Last Day

Today was Quinn's last day of K3 preschool.  I wasn't too sad, although looking at the below comparison pictures does make me a little teary.  On his first day back in August, he was 3.5, now he's 4 years, 3 months.  He recognizes the entire alphabet, knows all the letter sounds, and can write his name. He's doing very well on sight words and is just so smart.  And cute.  And a little bit ornery, but what 4 year old boy isn't? He had a really good year, made some great friends, and has definitely learned a lot. What more can we ask for as parents? Now we're onto pre-K. Which means kindergarten is in the sights.  Now I am getting a little teary.

On a side note, part of the reason I titled this blog what I did is because Quinn uses the phrase "last day" for any day that has passed, from yesterday to a year ago, so it is definitely fitting on more than one level.

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