Saturday, September 6, 2008

Carrots and other such randomness...

Quinn has now moved on to carrots, which he really likes. Not quite as much as oatmeal, but almost. He opens his mouth readily for them, which he didn't really do with sweet potatoes, at least not as much. Here is a picture of him after his carrot/rice cereal dinner tonight.
This morning he was playing on the floor before getting his oatmeal and I got up to go to the bathroom. When I left the room he was positioned perpendicular to the swing and a little to the left of it. This is how I found him when I came back...

I really have no clue how he managed that one.

Quinn went to his first birthday party today, for my friend Carrie's son Keaton, who turns 3 tomorrow. Quinn slept through part of it, but seemed to enjoy looking around and watching all the big kids have fun. We have another birthday party on Wednesday, oddly enough for a 3 year old boy, so it is like party week around here! Happy Birthday Keaton and Matthew!!

As a closer this evening, here is a fabu picture of Quinn's awesome parents...enjoy!

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