Friday, September 19, 2008

The Week in Quinn

This week has been a busy/interesting one, that's for sure. Quinn was still getting over his ear infections at the beginning of the week, and of course, Mommy came down with a fever and other junk on Sunday night. I was feeling much better by Tuesday, but still had a sore throat until today. Tuesday we went to Lakeland to have lunch with my old work friends and Quinn's future girlfriend, my friend Carrie's one month old, Camryn. She is a tiny little baby ball, I can barely remember Quinn being that small (and no, I'm in no hurry to have another). Quinn had green beans for the first time, and as you can see above, he was quite unsure as to what he thought. I'm still not sure if he likes them or not.
Here is Quinn playing with his Learning Puppy, which Nana got him last Christmas. Yes, 2 months before he was born. He is really starting to enjoy it.
This expression makes me a little nervous...I can almost see the teenage Quinn in those eyes. And the spiky hair is fun too!

Quinn has loved to stand since he was really little. Today Ross propped him up against the playmat arch and he stood there for quite some time, even letting go with one hand at one point. He still doesn't have real crawling down yet, but as soon as he does, yikes, I'm scared to think about it!

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