Thursday, March 5, 2009

Quinn's Party

Quinn's party was Saturday and while it got off to a slightly rocky start, it ended up pretty good. Here are some pictures from the day.
The main cake, it was beautiful and delicious.Isn't this a great picture of Quinn? He had a lot of fun that day.My sister, myself, and my momBlowing out Quinn's candlesI think cake is a hit!They were all hoping he would look away for a moment so they could steal some!I think he went into a cake coma at this point.
Here he is opening a present the next morning. It got too late the night of the actual party for him to open them. Actually, he opened one and then I opened all the gift bags after he went to bed. I left this one from Aunt Bridget and Uncle James for him. This is the day after his birthday, opening a present from Great-Grandma.

Overall, Quinn had a great 1st birthday. I can't believe he is that big already. It seems like just yesterday he looked like this...
Now he's so independent, working on walking, eating big people food, talking, not very babyish at all. While I do miss the itty-bitty Quinn, I'm so excited to see all the changes and get to know his personality. He'll be a teenager before I know it. Yikes!

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