Friday, March 2, 2012

Birthday Week Recap

Sadly, this is a pictureless one. I don't think I took a single picture during the week. Oh wait, I did! At Disney! I'll have to upload them and add them tomorrow. And I know this is late, but I needed this week to recover. Except for yesterday, which was so stressful I'll need another week to recover from that, but more on that later.

We had so much fun during Quinn's Birthday week. Disney was great (even a little hot and there was a pants wetting incident), La Nouba was fantastic, and Quinn's party went off really well if I do say so myself. Here is a little video sample my friend Joy took:

Ok, I guess you have to copy and paste, but its worth it. I'll definitely be adding more pictures soon. Anne Marie over at Sunday Dress Photography took some great pictures that I'm very excited to see. And if you were there, thank you for coming out and making Quinn's 4th birthday so special. He is a special boy and he deserves it!

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