Today marks 20 weeks, I'm halfway through this pregnancy. Woot! That's both hard to believe and astonishing that its gone so fast. Just like everything in life I guess.
We had our anatomy scan last Thursday and all went well. The report back to me was clear and there was a very obvious penis sighting, so we can officially say Boy #2 will be here in August! Quinn took the news ok. He really wanted a sister, so he is adjusting to the fact that that is not in the cards at this time.
I read through the little questionnaire I posted last week, and besides now knowing the gender, things are pretty much the same. My next appointment is April 3, so that will answer the weight question. I don't weigh myself, as I believe if you feel good, you're doing ok. I think a lot of pregnant women get really hung up on the weight thing and while I get that its tough, we shouldn't be so hard on ourselves. We're growing a person for goodness sakes! And please don't get me started on pregnant women being called fat. It really bugs me.
So that's about it for now. Since I don't have any pictures of me I'm willing to share at this time, here is another adorable picture of Quinn from his birthday. He got a free Mickey ice cream at Magic Kingdom.
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