Friday, November 26, 2010

The Things I'm Thankful For

I know I'm a day late, but thankfulness is something we should have all year, right? So here is a quick list of the things that I am thankful for. I'm sure I will forget something, as I have been very blessed.

- These guys. Not the best picture, but I figured since they are eating their Thanksgiving meal, it was most appropriate. Even though they both annoy me, for very different reasons, I can't imagine what I would do without either of them.

- My family. Aren't they cute? Everyone is better looking at Disney World. Even though we live 578 miles apart (according to Google Maps) I know I can always count on them for anything. And GiGi (that's my grandma, to those of you unschooled in toddler-to-adult nicknames) too of course, but I don't have a good picture of her.

- My friends. From the ones I've known since I was 10 (that'd be you Angie, if you ever read this) to my awesome IWU/AOII girls to the friends I can call family through that guy I married to Florida church friends who may have scattered to the four winds but still come together to the recent ones I've met through being a mom, I'm thankful for each and every one of you. Your picture may not be there, but know I love you and appreciate what you bring to my life.

- Entertainment in general. I'm a fan of it in all kinds and while the picture above is just books, trust me, I'm not above TV and movies and games, etc. Its always nice to find something fun in a piece of "entertainement fluff" that sparks thoughts or conversations or whatever it might be.
- That I have a place to live, a car that works (for the most part), and all the basic necessities of life. The last few years have been tough on a lot of people, us included, but I can't complain. Ok, let me say I shouldn't complain. My son is taken care of and I'm not suffering, which so many people in our world are. God has definitely blessed me.
- That I live in a country where I can say, believe, worship, and trust in the style I want. That I can vote, wear pants, change my haircolor, and walk next to my husband when we're out in public. People might think America is going down the tubes, and there are things I am unhappy with, but when you compare it to a lot of places, we really have it good. I'm so thankful for my many blessings, for God's love, and for grace. Where would I be without it?

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