Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I'm trying to keep up on my book reviews, so here's one I just finished.

Room, by Emma Donoghue, is a book very different from most books I've read in that the narrator is a 5 year old boy named Jack. While the voice takes some getting used to, the consistency and clarity Donoghue maintains throughout the story gives the reader something to hold on to as the book unfolds.

Without giving anything major away, Jack and his Ma live in Room, an 11x11 space that Ma has been trapped in for 7 years, since she was kidnapped off her college campus at 19. The world of Room is at one time scary and dangerous, but also enriching and enlightening. Through all Ma has been through, she has educated and cared for Jack, raising a smart, caring, seemingly happy child. I can't divulge much beyond this, without giving anything away, but watching Jack's (and Ma's) development unfold takes some unexpected turns, leaving the reader both confused, hopeful, and considerate of their own place in the World.

There are some controversial, for lack of a better word, themes in Room, but overall I would highly recommend this book to someone looking for something a little different than the norm.

1 comment:

Tasha said...

I just wanted to tell you I tagged you in a post on my blog :) We're looking forward to seeing you this week!