Wednesday, June 25, 2008

4 Months!

I almost can't believe my baby is 4 months old already! Didn't I just find out I was pregnant in the first place? Heck, didn't I just get married? He's getting so big and doing so much. He's really close to rolling from back to front, he only has to figure out how to roll his shoulder. He loves to stand and dance. He's so aware of his surroundings, which is fun to watch, but often makes feeding and naptimes a bit more difficult. I finally put him in his crib for nighttime sleep tonight. I'm going to miss having him in his bassinet next to me (especially when I have to schlep across the house to feed him).

We set up his Baby Einstein musical jumper last night and put him in it today. He seemed to like it, especially the spinning frog and beads. Both his feet don't quite touch the floor, but I think he has to figure out how to actually sit in it. I'm sure he'll love it soon enough.

Everything else is going pretty well right now. Watching Audrey is going great. I just need to get my house in a better order, especially the office. Yikes. Tomorrow is Ross's Big Birthday, I'll have to post something special! Oh, a big Congratulations are in order to my friends Amy and Travis Cole on the birth of Dallas Jeffrey Cole this morning at 6:35 am. They already have one son Austin, who will be a great big brother!

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