Friday, June 13, 2008

Thank Heaven for Little Boys

I had to take a picture of Quinn wearing this bib as it is the bib we used when we found out we were having a boy! If you haven't heard the story, Ross was unable to come to the ultrasound appointment because of work and I wanted to do something special, so I had bought a boy and girl bib. I had the ultrasound tech put the correct one in a gift bag and told her to give the opposite sex one to the next person with that gender child (which I hope she did). That night we opened the bag and were not at all shocked to learn that we were having a baby boy! It was hard not to peek during the ultrasound, especially when the tech said it was very evident what we were having. We were able to share the news the next day at Food and Wine Festival at Epcot with several members of Ross's family and the day after my family arrived for vacation at Disney World and we were able to share the news with them. Actually, under the bib Quinn is wearing one of the outfits my mom got him at Disney World on that trip. He's just about to grow out of it, so I thought I'd put him in it one more time.

This is another fun bib picture. Quinn is already a ladies man!

On another note, I have the heebie-jeebies yet again. There was a teeny weird looking lizard on the wall this morning, way up near the ceiling. We got up from our morning nap and it had moved to behind the TV. Now I don't know where it is. First a frog, now a lizard, what next? Yuck!

1 comment:

JennStar said...

Oh, I'd long for a lizard or a frog *sigh* LOL!
Love the bib on him!! hehe