Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ugh....3 year olds

Look at that face...so sweet, so adorable, right (thanks to Kate for the picture)? Yeah, he's fooling you all. A few weeks before he turned 3, its like a switch was flipped and my wonderful, loving boy became somewhat of a monster. When he turned 2, I noticed some changes, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. It was just independence/finding self kind of stuff. This is a whole other ball of wax.

He whines all.the.time. About everything. Just now we were walking up the stairs and Ross was carrying my purse and Quinn flipped out that he wasn't able to carry it. Now, under normal circumstances, he wouldn't even think about carrying my purse, even if I asked him. But it was just something to whine about. He whines about food, the potty (don't even get me started on that), toys, going places, not going places, the list goes on and on. And on and on.

He also think he should be allowed to do whatever he wants whenever he wants, and he's not afraid to let you know he doesn't like what is on the agenda. I don't know about you, but I'm not one to let a short, somewhat spastic person who can't quite yet control all their bodily functions make the rules in my house. But boy does he think he should.

I know this kind of ties in with the whining, but he also enjoys throwing fits. They often include throwing himself on the ground, kicking, throwing things, and the most enjoyable thing of all, screaming. I usually leave him alone when that happens, and he often quickly forgets what he was even throwing a fit about.

But even through all that, he is the best boy I could hope for and I'm proud he's my son. I just welcome breaks even more now!!

1 comment:

Tasha said...

Just imagine throwing a new baby into the situation :) I have to admit that reading your post makes me feel better, knowing it isn't only my kid going through all this! The whining/fussing and not listening is killing me!