Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"I Love You Princess"

Like many of you, I was excited about the recent British royal wedding. I do love some well-placed pomp and circumstance, and no one does it like the Brits. While I was not so excited that I felt the need to get up at 4am, I did DVR a lot of the coverage and watched it during the day. I loved the dress, the guests, the kisses, everything. I'm sure the little girl in me was squealing with glee.

Since I don't have a girl of my own, I tried to get Quinn interested. He had recently seen Tangled and really liked it, so I was telling him about the real princess. He watched for about 2 minutes (and that was probably just the horses) and was gone. But this morning they showed another shot of Will and Kate (or Princess Catherine I should say) and Quinn very excitedly yelled out "The real princess!" Then, with as much sweetness as his little 3 year old self could muster he said "I love you princess". How adorable is that? He's just the best, even though he's a stinker and is currently having some listening issues. Its moments like that make me so happy to be his mom.

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