Wednesday, June 15, 2011

School Days

Quinn's last day of "school" was last week and I have to say, I'm so pleased with how his first year went. He really enjoyed himself, made friends, and learned so much. Within the first few weeks there was such a positive change, especially in his verbal skills. I'm so glad we made this decision, especially now that I'm working. So many members of Ross' family have gone to school there and their recommendation is well deserved. Quinn is still going to "school" this summer, and I'm so glad that I didn't have to transition him to a new location.

How much has he grown in the last year!! Here he is on the first day of school, August 25.

And here he is on the last day, June 8. Such a big boy!!
One of my favorite things about Quinn's school was his wonderful teachers. I couldn't have asked for two kinder, caring teachers than the 2 Quinn had this year. It will be hard to top them next year!

So thank you Mrs. Ledford...
And Mrs. Trlak! We appreciate all the wonderful work you do for our kids!
(Sorry for the crappy pictures, this is due to my wacked out camera.)

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