Friday, December 25, 2009

22 Months...and Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope your Christmas was wonderful and you were surrounded by those you love. We had a great day just being together. And Quinn turned 22 months today, so here is his monthly picture. I am only going to take 2 more of these...that is a sobering thought. Gee, can you tell he likes Elmo?

We started opening presents a little after 10 and were still going strong around 12:30. Mostly because of Quinn. He had so much to look at and touch and play with. He found the Elmo Live Encore pretty early (it was supposed to be saved to the end, but he sniffed it out). His reaction was priceless. If I can figure out how to upload a video onto here, I'll have to do so.

He also got an Elmo phone that says his name and a bunch of other stuff. Here he is, talking to Elmo.

Dad really liked the picture of Quinn in the St. Louis Cardinals hat. I'm glad he liked it, because without the giant Christmas cookie, that picture wouldn't have happened!

A good picture of Quinn and Gigi.

Even though Quinn was kind of sick and spent the entire day in his jammies, we had a wonderful Christmas. I hope you did to, and the spirit of the season stays with you all year long. Happy Birthday Jesus!

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