Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Swim Lesson

Today was Quinn's very first swim lesson. It was originally scheduled for Monday, but was cancelled due to the holiday (but unfortunately my number was wrong in the Y's system and I did not get the call. At least we got there on time). Quinn was very excited to get in the water and he did a great job the entire lesson. We sang songs, worked on kicking and blowing bubbles, and jumped off the side. He didn't do as well with the jumping, but I eventually got him to "jump" in from a sitting position without holding onto my fingers. He had a great time and didn't want to leave. Lucky for us there wasn't a class after ours, so we were able to stay for a bit and swim some more.

We have swim lessons 2 times a week for the month of June, and even though they are at 8:30 in the morning, I won't mind going as long as he is enjoying them.

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