Wednesday, June 30, 2010

House Arrest

That's how I feel. Ever seen the movie Brokedown Palace, where the 2 American girls are in Thailand (?) and have drugs hidden on them and they have to go to a horrible prison. Ok, my situation is probably not that bad, but I've been stuck inside since Sunday afternoon and I think my mind has left the building.

On my way back from the Y on Sunday, my car, which had been giving me some problems, crapped out completely. I got it to the house, and there it sits. Ross has a friend who is supposed to come look at it, but that has sadly not happened yet. Hopefully when it does, it won't be too expensive.

I've only owned 2 cars in my life and they have both given me more problems than they were worth. Yeah, but one was a 1990 Toyota Corolla station wagon, don't be jealous. Lets keep our fingers crossed that the 3rd time (whenever that will be) will be the charm.

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