Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wonderful Exercise

Ok, maybe not so wonderful, but I do like working out when I can. Its a good stress reliever, at least for me. Before I started working again I was going to the Y at least 3, sometimes 5 times a week. Here are some of my favorites.

Zumba - Zumba is a dance aerobics class that I still try and make it to when I can. I know some people are scared off by dancey type classes, and trust me, they can be intimidating. But give it a whirl. Stand in the back, I do. Its a fun way to get that cardio in without having to be boring onthe treadmill or whatever.

2. Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred - Yes, she is the scary instructor from The Biggest Loser. But her stuff is good and quick. I have been doing this recently and just moved up to Level 2, and whew, it is tough. But this one is easily accessible (in some places its On Demand) and you're done in about 25 minutes. Its definitely not easy, but it does make a difference in a short amount of time.

3. Les Mills style classes - When I was a member at Lifestyles I did these classes a lot. I did some for a bit at the Y, but unfortunately the times didn't work out. My absolute favorite is BodyCombat, so much fun and such a good workout. I've also done BodyPump (a lot), BodyStep (also a lot, but longer ago), and I tried a BodyFlow class a time or two. All are great and different workouts. BodyPump is great for weight training, BodyStep is a great cardio class without the all over the place danciness of old-school, traditional step classes. If your gym offers them, try 'em out.

Those are what I like, at least right now. But whether you like to dance or run or swim or bike or whatever, get a little exercise in, it will brighten you day and hopefully improve your health, which is what really matters.

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