Friday, December 23, 2011

Wonderful Pinterest

Ok, so this while blogging every day thing has gone off the rails a bit, but hey, I've blogged a lot more than I usually do. Now maybe I can stick with it and blog more than 1-2 times a month. Keep your fingers crossed.

(I have to say I'm writing this while sitting at my parents house watching Muppet Christmas Carol. It is seriously one of the best movies. Light the lamp not the rat!)

The subject of today's post is Pinterest, which many people have heard of and are using, but if you haven't/aren't, you should. It is basically a website where you can "pin" interesting things you find online. Say you see a recipe on a blog that you want to make one day, but don't want to bookmark or write down the site. You just go to Pinterest, choose a board, and pin the website (via a picture) to that board. Its kind of like a big storage facility for website stuff. And you can find anything, litereally, on Pinterest. Recipes, crafts, quotes, funny pictures, kid stuff, photo inspiration, just about anything. You can have board for things you want to do, things you love, or just things that inspire you. I love it, it is so useful and I've found some great things on it, just through the people I "follow". My friend Joy's wedding was mostly DIY and a whole lot of those ideas were from Pinterest. I'm telling you, I don't know how we survived without it. Ok, that might be a bit dramatic, but it is so versatile, I say pretty much anyone can use it. And yes, it is mostly a female clientele, but don't be afraid guys. Jump on the Pinterest bandwagon!

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