Sunday, December 11, 2011

Wonderful Series

I had a plan to do a Disney blog today, but its late and I'm tired, so I'm going to do a bit of a spin-off of yesterday and talk about wonderful series everyone should read.

A lot of people are anti-Young Adult book series, but they probably suck as people. Ok, that might be extreme, but I tend to lean that way. Anyway, the first series I will mention is the Hunger Games series which I read earlier this year. It is awesome. Please read it. I'm not usually one for slightly sci-fi, dystopian thrillers, but this just sucks you in and really creates an awesome world, that is scarily plausible. I had to be talked into it and was so glad I was. I've talked quite a few people into it and they've all thanksed me, I know you will too.

The next one is the Harry Potter series. No explanation is needed. It is just plain awesome.
And I have no idea why that text is showing up like that. Weirdness.

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